Angie – shoulder and arm inhibition
9 October 2023Angie visited the Rehab Hub in July this year, having lost almost all function and strength in her left arm. There was no obvious reason for the loss of movement, and understandably it was causing her a great deal of concern. Prior to coming into clinic, Angie had several hospital appointments for X-rays, blood tests, an ECG and a CT scan, none of which could explain the issue.
Luke Denham, Sports Therapist, took a full case history and carried out his comprehensive assessment which involved movement, strength, special and neurological testing. The results indicated that Angie was suffering an injury to soft tissue affecting a nerve. Luke also sought a second opinion from our Osteopath, Ollie, who agreed with his findings. Angie and Luke discussed her treatment options and a suitable rehabilitation pathway, and she went home feeling reassured with some initial care advice and simple exercises.
After just a few weeks and six appointments Angie has now regained full range of movement and is working hard on restoring her strength. She has also had the results of further hospital tests confirming that the loss of function stemmed from muscular compression along the neural pathway, confirming Luke’s findings.
Keep up the great work Angie!
How we can help you
We’re here to help you be your best. Our aim is to return you to comfortable and strong movement for a healthy, happy, pain-free life and we will support and guide you every step of the way.
Whether you’re experiencing problems with day-to-day activities or in achieving an important sporting goal, our Practitioners are kind, experienced and confident in helping you:
- Rehabilitate back, joint and muscle injuries and dysfunction
- Return you to, or improve your sport
- Prepare for or recover from surgery
- Recover from accidents
- Improve chronic pain
- Reduce discomfort from work-related issues
We focus as much on addressing the source of an issue as we do treating your painful symptoms, through a pathway of assessment and diagnosis, hands-on therapy, rehabilitation and education.