
Our pricing structure is intentionally simple; you pay for your Practitioner’s time and expertise irrespective of the treatment modalities that they use within your session – you will not be charged extra for things such as K-Taping, acupuncture or dry needling, exercise plans or GP letters.

If however you are in any doubt as to what your treatment may cost, or who to see, do please contact us. We are here to help.

Rehab Hub Musculoskeletal Practitioners

Ash Samtani
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Initial Session – up to 60mins£65.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – 30mins£46.50
Emily Field
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Initial Session – up to 60mins£60.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – up to 60mins£60.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – 30mins£45.00
Luke Denham
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Initial Session – up to 60mins£65.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – up to 60mins£65.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – 30mins£46.50
Ollie Eaton
Osteopathy – Initial Session – up to 45mins£60.00
Osteopathy – Follow-up – 30mins£48.00
Sarah Lea
Sports Massage£50.00
Tom Boggon
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Initial Session – up to 60mins£60.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – up to 60mins£60.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – 30mins£45.00
Running Development Session£60.00
Running Analysis Level 1 or 2£105.00
Running Plan (6-8 weeks)£48.50
Running Plan (8 weeks+)£72.50
Tom Mitchell
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Initial Session – up to 60mins£60.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – up to 60mins£60.00
Treatment and Rehabilitation – Follow-up – 30mins£45.00

Complimenting Therapies

Little Steps Physiotherapy is a separate company. Please refer to their website for pricing and enquiries.

Jo Medhurst Therapies is a separate company. Please refer to her website for pricing and enquiries.

Lauren Louise Yoga is a separate company. Please call Lauren for pricing and enquiries, 07562 510219.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that life and work may sometimes need to take priority over your appointment – indeed, we are busy people too!

However to protect our practitioners against repeat or short-notice cancellations, and to ensure that we have availability for people in pain it is necessary to have a policy in place with a chargeable cancellation period of 24 hours. You will be reminded of every appointment by text and email, and we ask that if you need to cancel/reschedule your appointment for any reason you just let us know.

We require 24-hours’ notice for cancellations, or full payment is due. Should you need to change your appointment please call 01767 317771, or contact us.

We carry a waiting list of people in pain who will appreciate the use of your canceled appointment. What’s more, if we are able to fill your appointment with somebody from our waiting list, you will not be charged.