Lauren – MCL injury

Lauren has been a patient for many years, attending sessions with Sports Therapist Tom for ongoing care and support in her training. She is an ambassador for rugby and has an appetite for playing the best rugby she can. Over the years Lauren has developed her game and spent her most recent season playing for the T-Birds at Thurrock RFC, in the women’s championship. 

In February 2023 she sustained an injury to her right knee, having suffered a nasty injury to the same knee just one year before. After a big tackle at the weekend, Lauren came back in to see Tom for assessment and guidance on how to manage her pain and the injury. Following a thorough examination, Tom suspected Lauren had badly injured her medial collateral ligament (MCL) and suggested further investigation via MRI to fully understand the damage. Unfortunately, the imaging confirmed their suspicions, Lauren had sustained a grade II MCL sprain, and so begun her treatment and rehab pathway back to rugby. 

Fortunately, with no need for surgery, Lauren began her journey under Tom’s guidance, and started seeing him regularly for both treatment and rehabilitation. She stuck to her rehab plan, managed her training load, and pushed herself as much as she could whilst keeping everything safe. Her hard work paid off and before long she was back up and running, increasing her training and working on some sport specific drills. After a few months Lauren was back on the pitch and playing regularly without any trouble. She began to push her fitness and performance to the next level, her focus being on playing the best rugby she possibly could.  

Fast forward to the end of the season and Lauren had the opportunity to play with her team at the home of rugby – Twickenham, in the Papa John’s National cup final. Despite falling just short at the final hurdle, Lauren celebrated a successful year of rugby, with her team also winning their league. In addition to this, she has since been offered a place with the Harlequins Women rugby team and starts her preseason training with them over this summer! 

We are thrilled for Lauren – despite a nasty knee injury just over a year before she has completed a full season, collecting accolades along the way, and will now progress on to top flight women’s rugby in the premiership.  She is a perfect example of how you can achieve your goals and push to new levels with the right mindset and support 😊 

How can we help you

We’re here to help you be your best. Our aim is to return you to comfortable and strong movement for a healthy, happy, pain-free life and we will support and guide you every step of the way.

Whether you’re experiencing problems with day-to-day activities or in achieving an important sporting goal, our Practitioners are kind, experienced and confident in helping you:

  • Rehabilitate back, joint and muscle injuries and dysfunction
  • Return you to, or improve your sport
  • Prepare for or recover from surgery
  • Recover from accidents
  • Improve chronic pain
  • Reduce discomfort from work-related issues

We focus as much on addressing the source of an issue as we do treating your painful symptoms, through a pathway of assessment and diagnosis, hands-on therapy, rehabilitation and education.