We remain open in the January ’21 National Lockdown

Georgie Mai Clinic Director

Georgie Mai
Clinic Director

As a healthcare facility we remain open in National Lockdown. We are helping people both physically (face-to-face) and virtually.

The current guidance for Physiotherapists and Sports Therapists working during the National Lockdown requires that we risk assess every patient to ensure that the risk of entering clinic does not outweigh the benefit of receiving treatment.

During this time ‘maintenance’ and low-level pain treatments are not being carried out by Physiotherapists and Sports Therapists.

Our approach therefore is to see you in a Virtual Triage Session before deciding if a Physical Treatment Session (face-to-face) is appropriate for you, or if a Virtual Treatment Session is most appropriate.  In the Virtual Triage Session we will discuss your need for treatment and carry out initial observations and testing – exactly as we would ordinarily in clinic.  This thereby reduces risk associated with a face-to-face Physical Treatment Session, and eliminates risk where we feel that a Virtual Treatment Session is best.  Either way you still receive the very best care for the purpose of your effective rehabilitation.

You can book your Virtual Triage Session here

Please do contact us if you have any queries.  We appreciate that things aren’t operating as easily we would all like to enjoy right now, and are very happy to help.

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