Mike – complex pain and daily living
15 January 2024We would like to tell you about Mike, who came to us in April with the goals of being in less pain, to build better core strength, be more active, and to reduce his dependency on a walking stick. Mike wasn’t trying to get back to a sport, he just wanted to improve his quality of life – just like many of our patients.
He was living with daily pain due to a fairly complex medical background, and he used a stick for physical support and confidence both in and out of his house. Flare-ups of his back pain could leave him unable to move for days.
Sports Rehabilitator Emily took time to understand Mike’s medical background, fears, preferences and goals, and started to work slowly and gently with him in our gym. She and Mike devised a suitable home exercise plan for him to work on daily. This was scalable, so that it could be adjusted for ‘bad’ days.
Mike has made huge improvements over six months. With his commitment to his programme he is now lifting small weights and doing challenging exercises. If you know Emily, she will always try to push people and continuously build strength and confidence around exercising!
Where walking was previously a great challenge for Mike he is now able to do a 15-minute walk daily and he doesn’t need to use his stick in his house.
He has said that his friends and family are so pleased and amazed at how well he now walks.
Even with a variety of health conditions that limit Mike, he’s managed to stay motivated throughout working with Emily, and see the benefits. We are so happy to be part of his journey.
Well done Mike!
How we can help you
We’re here to help you be your best. Our aim is to return you to comfortable and strong movement for a healthy, happy, pain-free life and we will support and guide you every step of the way.
Whether you’re experiencing problems with day-to-day activities or in achieving an important sporting goal, our Practitioners are kind, experienced and confident in helping you:
- Rehabilitate back, joint and muscle injuries and dysfunction
- Return you to, or improve your sport
- Prepare for or recover from surgery
- Recover from accidents
- Improve chronic pain
- Reduce discomfort from work-related issues
We focus as much on addressing the source of an issue as we do treating your painful symptoms, through a pathway of assessment and diagnosis, hands-on therapy, rehabilitation and education.