Mum and daughter smiling

Joely – back injury

Joely’s recovery from a back injury is an example of how we often work with people who are in a great deal of pain and understandably fearful when they first come to us. We thought you might like to hear about her treatment and recovery.

She came to see us after waking one morning with excruciating pain in her back. Over the course of a couple of months Physio Dan supported her back to normal family life with strength and confidence, but in her first session the priority was just to explain what was happening, get her pain under control, and outline a pathway for her treatment and care.

In the early sessions Dan was able to ease Joely’s pain with gentle treatment and guide her exercises as her condition stabilised and confidence increased. He supported her in finding solutions to the problems that she faced with being out of action.

Over the course of the next six weeks Joely’s pain reduced and she was able to start some strengthening and mobility exercises under Dan’s instruction, which progressed to relevant functional movements as she started to return to activity.

There were some setbacks, and frustrations with pain, where Joely benefited from Dan’s guidance with mindfulness and meditative techniques.

On reflection, Dan says; “Keeping Joely focused on her recovery with small, achievable steps each week was important. She was so dedicated to getting better – she had her end goal in sight the whole time.”

How we can help you

We’re here to help you be your best. Our aim is to return you to comfortable and strong movement for a healthy, happy, pain-free life and we will support and guide you every step of the way.
Whether you’re experiencing problems with day-to-day activities or in achieving an important sporting goal, our Practitioners are kind, experienced and confident in helping you:

  • Rehabilitate back, joint and muscle injuries and dysfunction
  • Return you to, or improve your sport
  • Prepare for or recover from surgery
  • Recover from accidents
  • Improve chronic pain
  • Reduce discomfort from work-related issues

We focus as much on addressing the source of an issue as we do treating your painful symptoms, through a pathway of assessment and diagnosis, hands-on therapy, rehabilitation and education.