ben the runner

Ben – running analysis and coaching

Ben came to see Tom Boggon for an Observational Running Analysis, which is a comprehensive assessment of running gait, strength and technique. In the first session Tom was able to identify some key issues that could easily be remedied with some drill work, guidance, and strength work.

The sessions are lightweight and fun – perfect for runners of all abilities, experience and confidence levels.
Ben had this to say after his first couple of sessions:

“On my first check-in the differences were huge – much more upright, a midfoot strike, limited pronation, efficient and stronger. I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens and to be able to run faster, longer, and more importantly, injury-free.”

How we can help you

We’re here to help you be your best. Our aim is to return you to comfortable and strong movement for a healthy, happy, pain-free life and we will support and guide you every step of the way.

Whether you’re experiencing problems with day-to-day activities or in achieving an important sporting goal, our Practitioners are kind, experienced and confident in helping you:

  • Rehabilitate back, joint and muscle injuries and dysfunction
  • Return you to, or improve your sport
  • Prepare for or recover from surgery
  • Recover from accidents
  • Improve chronic pain
  • Reduce discomfort from work-related issues

We focus as much on addressing the source of an issue as we do treating your painful symptoms, through a pathway of assessment and diagnosis, hands-on therapy, rehabilitation and education.