Sarah Lea

Sports Massage Therapist

Sarah is our newest team member and a talented sports massage therapist providing a strong
and focused sports massage for relieving minor injuries, niggles, and tightness, plus routine or
‘maintenance’ sessions on a regular basis.

She also has a degree in sports therapy, but at this time she is ‘just’ providing sports massage as
opposed to full injury rehabilitation. This does however mean that you’re in very capable and
experienced hands! She has an in-depth understanding of the minor strains of sports training
and everyday life, allowing her to work safely and effectively with all types of issues, providing
you with the highest level of care.

Sarah is also a CrossFit instructor, and registered nurse! Her career within the NHS and
research has been within children’s cancer care.

In her spare time Sarah loves adrenaline adventures with her husband John and chocolate
labrador Milo. They love their weekends away, club running and CrossFit lifestyle.

Currently Sarah is with us on Thursday evenings and some Saturday mornings.

I love working with Sarah because she lives the same kind of life as me – she understands the pressures of the daily grind but she’s also super active and outdoorsy. Her sports massage keeps me feeling great!
