Pain is as individual as the person experiencing it. Understanding and managing Chronic Pain

Georgie Mai Clinic Director

Georgie Mai
Clinic Director

We have a wealth of free, downloadable resources if you are living with Chronic Pain

Pain means different things to different people, in different contexts, and based on different experiences. We spend a great deal of time working with people who have lived with pain for longer than three months, and have put together some really helpful resources. They’re free, and easy to download.

Acute, short-lived pain following a traumatic injury will ordinarily heal, but the pain that becomes increasingly hard to live with and manage is the pain that has persisted month after month and often year after year, particularly if the source can’t be diagnosed.

Living with chronic/persistent pain is almost a disease in itself. It can slowly and progressively eat away at you, your confidence, self-worth, and independence. It can consume your life and thoughts, often alienating you from your friends and family even your workplace. Lack of sleep, anxiety and depression often go hand in hand with pain which in turn can lead to anger and frustration and problems with your relationships at home and with yourself. Physical pain can stop you from doing things you love, like taking walks, playing sports and socialising, which also has an impact on your mental health.

So what can be done to break the cycle of chronic pain, and all of the physical and mental symptoms?

You know the saying “it takes a village to raise a child,” well we believe it can take an army to survive and thrive with chronic pain. Although it is important that you are in control and are the driver of your pain management, it would be unrealistic to assume that everyone can do this alone. Often, the support of friends and family, work colleagues or associates, and potentially pain specialists and therapists is what really helps to turn the symptoms of chronic pain around.

Working with a Musculoskeletal Therapist

Musculoskeletal therapists are experts in handling pain, finding the source of the pain and treating your body holistically. Manual therapy and exercise rehab delivered in partnership with an MSK Therapist can be greatly beneficial in managing chronic pain by promoting joint movement, using exercises to reduce stiffness and improve muscle strength – all of which can reduce your pain and improve your mobility which may help with daily activities. Specific nerve mobility treatments can help reduce sensitivity to pain and massage has always been a trusty stalwart as it reduces stress and anxiety as well as pain.

Our free downloadable resources

I have put together a range of resources that can help you learn to manage your pain.

These resources are packed with practical tips and advice along with worksheets, exercise leaflets and infographics that combine to help you master your chronic pain.

If you’re living with pain on a regular basis, there are many ways we can help so if you need advice, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

And, if you know anyone who could benefit from any of these resources, please feel free to share this blog post with them.

Georgie Mai
Rehab Hub Clinic Director

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